The Inheritance (Forever Bound #1) Read online

Page 8

  His hands shimmied down the sides of her body, as he lowered himself to her and they kissed. This time, her tongue lazily danced with his, while her legs spread out and she opened herself to him. His cock slid inside her, and she pulled him down on top of her. She held onto him as the momentum quickly built and he frantically pounded inside of her. It would be a devastating blow to stop what they had going on. He gave her everything she needed at the moment, and that was all that mattered.

  Chapter 7

  Charity opened her eyes, as the sun shone through the bedroom window. She pushed herself up and found that Damian was no longer beside her. She closed her eyes and sunk back into the bed. She wasn’t convinced they did the right thing. As much as she felt good at the moment, she didn’t want to get trapped in what someone would call a relationship. She opened her eyes and stared at his doorway. He walked into the room, carrying a tray of fruit and two glasses of orange juice.

  He approached the bed and started to go in for a kiss when she stopped him. “Damian…we need to talk.”

  He groaned and stepped back from the kiss. “That doesn’t sound good.” He walked over to the other side of the bed that he had occupied all night. He placed the tray on the bed and crawled back under the covers. “What’s up?”

  She looked down at the tray, hoping the words would just enter her mind. She stared at the strawberries and grapes, then took her eyes to him. “Last night was nice,” she started.

  He laughed. “I hope it was a little more than nice.”

  She threw an irritated look his way. “Be serious. This is serious.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Okay. It looks serious. What’s wrong?”

  “In many ways, you are the same from all the guys I’ve been with. You're handsome, maybe sexier than they’ve been, a bad boy with a bike, and confident enough to know what you want in life.”

  “But?” he asked.

  She swallowed hard and stared into his deep blue eyes. “There’s a big but. Even though I could see myself getting wrapped up with you, I can’t do it. I won’t do it. In the past year, you are the only guy I’ve slept with twice. You are the only guy I’ve even contemplated sleeping with twice. I don’t think I’ll ever be ready for a relationship, and I know that that's probably where you think this will go, but it can’t.”

  The whole time she talked, he listened intently. She was relieved by that, but when she finished, he asked if he could have his turn. She nodded and waited for him to speak. “This is my fault, you know?”

  Her mouth opened. “What?” she squeaked out.

  He smiled and nodded. “I didn’t let you in on what I wanted this to be, and therefore, it made you uncomfortable, and it made you believe I wanted a serious relationship.”

  “You don’t?” she asked.

  He shook his head. “I enjoy being with you, Charity, but I’ve had the serious relationship. It’s only been a month since we parted ways.”

  “I remember you saying that,” she softly whispered.

  He smiled, nodding slightly. “Relationships can be good when they work, but let’s face it…they don’t always work. You know it…I know it. When I met you that night, I did find someone that I felt an instant connection with. I was amazed by how strong and independent you seemed, and I was shocked by how willing you were to have sex with me on the first night. It made me wonder if perhaps I could find someone that would be there when I needed her and there would be no expectations from either of us.”

  “I can’t even imagine, what you—.” Her words were cut off when he placed a finger to her lips.

  “It’s my turn to talk,” he replied with a gentle smile. “I don’t think any less of you. Quite the opposite, actually. I was impressed by how open you were to the idea and it made me feel even more confident that you were someone to get to know.” She felt bad because this was only going to end badly. She wanted to stop him from talking, but she also wanted him to get his chance to express his feelings. “Any guy would be crazy not to want to fall into a relationship with you, Charity. You’re that special, but this doesn’t have to be about a relationship. This doesn’t have to be complicated. It can be about two people that just want to have fun. I want to have fun with you, and I think that you feel that way, too.”

  “So, you're saying that you’d be alright if this was a friend with benefits relationship?” she asked slowly.

  He nodded. “I don’t want you rushed, and I also don’t want to lose the feeling I get when we have sex.” She smiled. Her eyes washed over his broad chest. She didn’t want to give up that feeling, too. It was the best of both worlds. “We could at least see where it goes. The minute you’re ready to bail, then you can.”

  She looked down at the fresh fruit that sat before them. “Deal,” she quietly said. She picked up a strawberry and pressed it to his lips. He took a bite, and she replaced it with her lips. They kissed. She slid her tongue around and claimed part of the fruit, while he wrapped his arm around her back and pressed her to him. She parted from the kiss, and she put the remaining strawberry in her own mouth and finished it off.

  He grabbed a grape and shoved it in her mouth, then went back in for another kiss. She laughed as she choked on a piece of the skin, but pressed her body to his and finished off the second piece of fruit. They continued the back and forth with the fruit, taking a bite, then sharing with the other person, then frantically kissing one another, and moving onto the next item. Along the way, she heard her phone ring and she never even considered answering it. She felt relief wash over her, as it was a nice change from the way things usually went for her in the morning.

  “Now…” he started, breaking from the kiss. “I think we both could use a shower, don’t you?” He winked at her, and she grinned.

  “Go warm it up and I’ll be right in.”

  He jumped out of bed and shed his lounge pants, turning around to her and giving her a perfect view. He walked into the bathroom, and she heard the shower start, at the same moment she heard her phone signal a voice mail. She reached for her jeans and removed her phone from the pocket. She typed in her voicemail code and waited for Ana’s voice. “Hey, Char, it’s me. I just wanted to let you know of something a-maz-ing. I just heard from Jesse that his best friend is in need of an employee. You should look into it. I don’t have all the details, but I believe you’d be a personal assistant. I figured you can talk to him about it tomorrow night at the party. Just wanted to give you a heads up. You’re still planning on coming, right? I hope so. Talk to you later. I’ll try to gather more information for you. See ya!”

  Charity hung up the call. Perhaps, things were starting to look up for her. “Are you coming?” Damian called.

  “I’m coming!” she hollered back. She got out of the bed and went to his nightstand drawer, where she retrieved a condom. Inside the bathroom, she was greeted by steam. She opened up the shower door, and he turned his head towards her.

  “I was getting lonely,” he teased.

  “I wouldn’t want that!” she replied with a chuckle. She opened up the condom package, and he watched her glide it over his erection. “Now, where were we?” she asked with a grin. He wrapped his arm around her and flipped her around, so her back hit the shower wall and he pressed his body to hers. His lips met hers, as he entered her. Her hips bucked hard against him, and they got back into the rhythmic swing of things. Friends with benefits could actually work.


  “Thank you for your time, and I will let you know when I’ve made my decision.” Derek shook the hand of yet another interviewer and then tossed her resume to the side. He knew it would be difficult to find a replacement, but he hadn’t anticipated it would be this tough. After several more interviews, he wasn’t any closer to finding the right candidate.

  He left his office and passed by Lily’s desk. “I’m going out for lunch. Want me to bring anything back for you?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “No, but thanks.” She paused for a moment and then
her facial expressions turned uncertain. “Any closer to finding my replacement?”

  He shook his head. “Sadly…no.”

  She tilted her head. “Maybe you're a little picky?” she asked.

  He laughed. “Possibly.” He waved and headed to the elevator. He didn’t think he was any pickier than he was when he hired Lily, but the fact of the matter was he had to hire quickly. His original assistant was retiring, and there was no doubt she would leave him in the lurch. Lily was giving him a little more leeway, in the fact that she wasn’t setting a date in stone. Yet, she also wouldn’t stay forever, so he had to find someone.

  The elevator door opened, and Jesse got off. Derek rolled his eyes. “Gee, what a surprise.” Derek laughed. “I was going to lunch, wanna join me?”

  Jesse got back on the elevator and nodded. “Don’t mind if I do.”

  Jesse always had the ability to show up at the strangest times. Derek teased him constantly, but he honestly did wonder how Jesse could get away at the drop of a hat. In this particular case, he was relieved not to have to go to lunch alone. “Where you want to go?” Jesse asked.

  “I was just going to go to the corner Deli. I have a one o’clock meeting, and so I can’t stay too long.” Derek got off the elevator, and Jesse followed.

  “Sounds good to me.”

  Jesse kept up with Derek’s pace as they walked the way to the deli. “What brings you to my office?” Derek asked.

  Jesse laughed. “Do I need a reason to see my friend?” Derek rolled his eyes but didn’t say anything in response to Jesse’s question. “Have any more interviews?” Jesse asked.

  “Four today,” Derek answered.

  “Oh…how are they going?” Jesse asked.

  Derek stopped at the entrance of the deli and turned to his friend. “Why? Are you interested? After all, you’re at my office more than your own.” He playfully hit Jesse on the shoulder as he opened the door and let Jesse enter.

  “No, but I know someone that might be.”

  Derek groaned. They all did. He just wished one applicant that was recommended by someone he knew had the qualifications that he needed in his assistant. “Oh do tell, I want to hear all about it,” he sarcastically stated. They approached the counter and ordered their sandwiches and coffees and then found a table up against the window, they could go to. Once they sat down, Jesse immediately started pitching the idea. He told Derek about Ana’s friend, how she needed a job, and he thought she would be a perfect candidate. Derek stopped him. “So, this friend of Ana’s…is she the same one you thought would be a perfect candidate to be my wife?” Jesse’s face went red, and Derek already knew the answer. “If I was looking for a mechanic, would you recommend her, too?” he asked between a bite of his sandwich.

  Jesse shrugged. “I don’t know. I haven’t had the liberty to see her mechanic skills.” He chuckled. There was a gleam in his eye. “I just know she needs a job. Come on, what would it hurt to interview her. After all, you’ve already interviewed several people not qualified, so if you don’t like her, then you’re not really at a loss.”

  Jesse had a point, but it was the principle of the thing. He didn’t want to dig through another pile of rotten apples to find the perfect fit. “I don’t know. I’ll think about it.” Jesse opened his mouth and started rattling off more reasons he should hire this woman, and Derek put up his hand to stop him. “I said I would think about it. I can’t offer you more than that.”

  Jesse nodded and took a drink of coffee. “Fine. I’ll take it.” They dropped the conversation about Ana’s friend but proceeded to discuss safer ground topics. When Derek took the last drink from his cup, they were approached by a worker at the deli.

  “Good afternoon, gentleman.” She smiled at Jesse, then turned her attention to Derek. He saw the grin on her face, but most importantly in her eyes. “Would you care for a refill?” She held up the coffee like it was a trophy on display.

  Derek glanced at his watch. “Afraid not, I’m in a hurry, but thanks.” He smiled back at her, and she was hit with a look of disappointment.

  “How about one for the road?” she asked.

  He shook his head. “No thanks!” He looked back to Jesse, but the woman still remained at the table.

  He slowly looked up in her general direction. “How about a piece of pie to go? I made it myself. Peach. What do you say?”

  He hesitated. He didn’t really care for pie, but the woman seemed too disheartened for him to turn down another request for hers. He finally nodded. “Sounds great! Thanks!”

  Without even asking Jesse if he wanted something, she scurried away from the table. “How rude!” Jesse replied, startling Derek.

  “What?” Derek asked.

  “Maybe I wanted a piece of pie, but did she ask? No!” He pouted as if he really cared. The small smile that played on his lips was proof he didn’t. “I think you have an admirer.”

  Derek shook his head. Jesse would never change. The waitress came back and handed him a box that surely contained the pie. He dug into his pocket to get some money, but she stopped him. “It’s on the house, Mayor Worthington.” She beamed, and he gave her an awkward smile.

  “Thank you, Ma’am.”

  She giggled. “The name’s Holly.”

  He nodded. “Thanks again, Holly.” She left the table, and Derek turned to Jesse. “Don’t even start.”

  Jesse shook his head. “You have all the women after you, and you don’t even want it. To be you must be amazing.” Derek heard the sarcasm thick in Jesse’s voice.

  “I have to go!” Derek replied, sliding out of the booth.

  Jesse laughed. “I hear ya. I won’t say another word.”

  Derek doubted that, and when they reached outside, he was shown to have reasons to doubt his friend. “You know, you could’ve invited her out. She was attractive, apparently interested, and who knows what would happen between you two.”

  “I know that this comes as a complete shock to you, and I am obviously wasting my breath, but listen to me carefully. I. Don’t. Need. A. Woman. Just drop it.”

  They reached the courthouse, and Jesse held the door open as Derek entered. “Can’t I have a little fun with you?” Jesse asked. “Geesh!” He laughed, stopping as he reached the hallway leading to his office. “It’s been fun, Derek. See you tomorrow night?”

  Derek frowned. “Tomorrow night? What’s tomorrow night?” He smirked and headed to the elevator, hearing Jesse’s words behind him. He could joke with his friend, too. He got into the elevator and punched in his floor number, then rode it to the top of the building. Once he got off, he approached Lily’s desk. “Like pie?” he asked.

  She smiled, eyes wide. “Of course!”

  He handed her the box. “Enjoy!” He left her desk as she quickly opened the box.

  “What’s this?” she asked.

  He turned around to find her holding up a piece of paper. She unfolded it and a grin appeared her lips. “Who’s Holly?” she asked.

  He walked back to her desk and snatched the paper from her hand. The note simply read, call me sometime, Holly. Her number was scrawled on the piece of paper. “No one!” he replied, turning away from her.

  She laughed. “Your face says otherwise! It’s red.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Whatever!” He quickly walked towards his office, with Lily laughing in the background.

  Once he was in his office, he started to toss the paper into the trash, then changed his mind and tossed it in a desk drawer. The only thought was that it could get people off his back, and he would do just about anything to make that happen.


  Charity got out of work right on time. She had a change of clothes she could change into, so she didn’t have to wear her grungy work clothes. She was out the door in record time. Not so much because she couldn’t wait to get to Jesse’s house, but because she figured the sooner she got there, the sooner she could leave.

  She hated having that feeling, but she wasn’t inter
ested in mingling with Jesse and Ana’s friends. She punched the address of Jesse’s, which Ana had texted her, into her phone and waited for it to calculate the directions. According to the phone, she looked at a drive of ten minutes. That wasn’t nearly enough time to unravel her thoughts. She pushed her way to Jesse’s house, and when she got to his street, she took a right. She drove down the road until it said your destination is on the right. She stopped up against the curb and stared at the driveway. “This can’t be right,” she mumbled. She glanced up at the house address and frowned when it said the address she was given. Plus, she noticed Ana’s car in the driveway. It just didn’t make any sense. The house seemed like a lawyer would live in it. That wasn’t the problem. She was just confused as to why there were only three cars in the driveway. “Maybe everyone else just happens to be coming later than me,” she stated to herself.

  She got out of the car and locked it, then walked up to the door and knocked. When no one came after a couple minutes of waiting, she rang the doorbell. The door swung open, and Ana greeted her. “I’m so glad you’re here.” She welcomed her in, but Charity remained cautious. Ana noticed the reaction. “Something wrong?” Ana asked.

  Charity entered the foyer. “Where is everyone? I thought the party started five minutes ago?” She whispered so no one would hear her.

  Ana shrugged. “Didn’t I tell you? Hm…I thought I told you.”

  “Tell…me…what?” Charity asked.

  Ana smiled. “It was so last minute, and we tried to get a party together, but unfortunately you and Jesse’s friend are the only ones coming. Follow me!” She giddily left Charity standing there. Charity tried to catch up to her, but before she could, she was already in the backyard. That’s when she noted something she didn’t expect. Standing next to Jesse, he casually sipped on a beer. Mayor Worthington was the other guest.

  Charity glanced at Ana and Ana watched her. No words were needed; the message was loud and clear. “Hey, Charity!” Jesse called from the grill.